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(1 edit)

I played the demo version!
Starting with Kirari's cute smile and the fun music on the title screen, the game progresses along the way, defeating enemies and finding treasure chests, and then the boss battle and the conversation events that follow.
I was surprised that not only the art, but also the music was created by myself. I really like it!
Also, the camera movement was a bit intense and I felt a little bit drunk. However, when I watched a video of myself playing the game later in a slightly smaller window than when I played it, it didn't bother me at all, so maybe it depends on the window size.
I plan to buy and play the full version in the future, nya~!

PS. Your icon (the cutest!) ) has the Hanazono Shuka flavor of Pripara, and furthermore, I felt it had Mirei's pop ribbon on it, so I looked it up and noticed that you were writing Pripara fan art. I will continue to support your activities.

Thank you very much for playing and streaming!

I watched it, it was really fun!

Just finished the game (on hard mode, no less!)

Once again, another great entry from ya, your games continue to improve!  ^_^

I gotta say, it was quite interesting seeing the sprites from Aku Manor reused in a different perspective.  Literally.

(Side note, I can't help but wanna think that Kirari is the witch from Unwieldy Magic, lol)

Congrats on finishing it! Glad you enjoyed it ^^
And yeah, I have reused monster designs from previous games cuz, well, why not? They're my own designs after all!
And yeah, Kirari's design is based on that, you can think of the Unwieldy Wand witch's design as a prototype for Kirari's

I saw the demo on my feed and had to try it.

This game got my attention and I down for games like this.

Glad you like it! I watched the whole video, you did pretty well! ^^
Even found the health upgrade :3c

Ty, Some times its good to go off the beaten path

I have been trying to encourage more magical girl games in the AAA space in Japan, and am more than happy to support projects like this. I hope you continue to create projects like this, and would love the chance to learn more about your work sometime. Keep up the fantastic effort!

Thank you!

Nice work getting the look down. Especially as I develop GBC games. This looks darn close to a real one. Congrats on all that you've done


Thank you very much!

early 2000s OVA designs, truly a scholar's choice


I wanted this game to look like something that could have actually been released in 2000 on the GBC, looks like I managed to get that point across.